> **精心安排****Special Arrangement:**
✓出国必备‼ 让您时刻与家人保持联系 - 1人1张 Travel Sim Card。
✓Essential for traveling abroad!! Keeps you in touch with your family at all times - Travel Sim Card per person per card.
✓Bottle Mineral Water per person per day.
> **行程亮点 Trip Highlights:**
**🌿 1. 壮丽自然景观Magnificent Natural Scenery**
* **华严瀑布**:日本三大名瀑之一,高度达97米,四季皆有不同美景。
* **五色沼**:因矿物质沉淀形成多种颜色的湖泊,从翠绿到深蓝,景色梦幻。
* **藏王雪怪**:冬季限定奇观,由厚厚的冰雪覆盖的树木,形似“雪怪”。
* **十和田湖 & 奥入濑溪流**:火山口湖,湖水清澈,周围溪流与瀑布点缀,秋季红叶更是迷人。
* **洞爷湖展望台(Lake Toyako Observation Deck)**:俯瞰整个湖泊,远眺活火山有珠山与昭和新山,景色震撼。
* **Kegon Waterfalls:** one of the three most famous waterfalls in Japan, reaching a height of 97 metres and offering a variety of views throughout the seasons.
* **Goshikinuma Ponds**: A lake of many colours, ranging from emerald green to deep blue, formed by the deposition of minerals, offering a fantastic view.
* **Snow Monsters**: A limited winter spectacle, the trees covered in thick snow and ice resemble ‘snow monsters.
* **Lake Towada & Oirase Gorge**: A crater lake with clear water surrounded by streams and waterfalls, and stunning autumn foliage.
* **Lake Toyako Observation Deck**: Overlooking the entire lake, the view of the active volcanoes Mount Arisu and Showa Shinzan is stunning.
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### **🏯 2. 历史文化体验**Historical and Cultural Experience
* **日光东照宫**:世界遗产,供奉德川家康的神社,拥有华丽雕刻与“三猿”浮雕。
* **大内宿**:保存完好的江户时代驿站,仿佛穿越回古代日本。
* **中尊寺**:世界遗产,内部金碧辉煌,藏有大量佛教珍宝。
* **函馆五棱郭**:日本首座西式城堡遗址,春季樱花满开,美不胜收。
* **Nikko Toshogu Shrine**: A World Heritage Site, this shrine is dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu and features magnificent carvings and reliefs of the ‘three apes’.
* **Ouchi-juku**: A well-preserved Edo period post station that is like travelling back in time to ancient Japan.
* **Chuson-ji Konjikido**: A World Heritage Site with a splendid interior and a large collection of Buddhist treasures.
* **Hakodate Goryokaku**: the ruins of Japan's first Western-style castle, beautifully decorated with cherry blossoms in spring.
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### **🚆 3. 特色交通体验**Special transport experiences
* **松岛湾游船**:日本三景之一,海上点缀着260多个小岛,景色绝美。
* **新干线体验**:搭乘E5系子弹列车,从青森疾驰至函馆,最高时速达320km/h。
* **青函海底隧道**:穿越全球最长的海底隧道,连接本州与北海道。
* **Matsushima Bay Cruise**: one of Japan's Three Scenic Spots, the sea is dotted with more than 260 small islands and offers stunning views.
* **Shinkansen Experience**: Ride the E5 bullet train from Aomori to Hakodate at speeds of up to 320km/h.
* **Seikan Tunnel**: Travel through the world's longest undersea tunnel connecting Honshu and Hokkaido.
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### **🎭 4. 四季限定特色**Four Seasons Limited Features
* **春季🌸**:函馆五棱郭 & 北海道神宫樱花满开,粉色浪漫。
* **夏季🌻**:富良野薰衣草花田,五彩缤纷的花海,宛如梦境。
* **秋季🍁**:十和田湖、奥入濑溪流、藏王红叶染尽山谷,美如画卷。
* **冬季❄️**:藏王雪怪、札幌雪祭,体验日本独特冬日景色。
* **Spring** 🌸: Hakodate Goryokaku & Hokkaido Jingu Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom, pink and romantic.
* **Summer** 🌻: Furano lavender fields, a sea of colourful flowers, like a dream.
* **Autumn** 🍁: Lake Towada, Oirase Stream, and Zao Red Leaves colouring the valleys, beautiful as a picture.
* **Winter** 🍁: Experience Japan's unique winter scenery with the Zao Snow Monster and Sapporo Snow Festival.
> **终极推荐理由Ultimate Recommended Reasons**
✔️ 远离传统旅游路线,深入探索东北 & 北海道的自然秘境
✔️ 结合世界遗产、温泉、自然景观,适合四季出行
✔️ 甄选特色住宿,包括海边温泉酒店与高品质城市酒店
✔️ 体验日本最快交通工具新干线与独特的青函海底隧道
✔️ Explore the natural wonders of Tohoku & Hokkaido away from the traditional tourist routes.
✔️ Combining world heritage, hot springs, natural landscapes, it is suitable for travelling in all seasons.
✔️ Selected accommodation including seaside hot spring hotels and high-quality city hotels.
✔️ Experience Japan's fastest railway, the Shinkansen, and the unique Seikan Tunnel.
> **住宿须知**Accommodation Notes:****
* 由于日本酒店房型较小且供应有限,我们将以双人房(两张单人床)为主要安排。
* 大床房可视酒店供应情况尽量协调,但无法保证。
* 为确保舒适度,恕不提供三人房安排,敬请谅解。
* Due to the small size and limited availability of hotel rooms in Japan, we will be arranging standard twin rooms (two single beds).
* Double rooms can be coordinated to the best of our ability subject to hotel availability but cannot be guaranteed.
* Please note that triple rooms are not available to ensure comfort.