> **精心安排****Special Arrangement:**
✓出国必备‼ 让您时刻与家人保持联系 - 1人1张 Travel Sim Card。
✓Essential for traveling abroad!! Keeps you in touch with your family at all times - Travel Sim Card per person per card.
✓Bottle Mineral Water per person per day.
> **行程亮点 Trip Highlights:**
**🌿 1. 壮丽自然景观Magnificent Natural Scenery**
* **华严瀑布**:日本三大名瀑之一,高度达97米,四季皆有不同美景。
* **五色沼**:因矿物质沉淀形成多种颜色的湖泊,从翠绿到深蓝,景色梦幻。
* **藏王雪怪**:冬季限定奇观,由厚厚的冰雪覆盖的树木,形似“雪怪”。
* **十和田湖 & 奥入濑溪流**:火山口湖,湖水清澈,周围溪流与瀑布点缀,秋季红叶更是迷人。
* **洞爷湖展望台(Lake Toyako Observation Deck)**:俯瞰整个湖泊,远眺活火山有珠山与昭和新山,景色震撼。
* **Kegon Waterfalls:** one of the three most famous waterfalls in Japan, reaching a height of 97 metres and offering a variety of views throughout the seasons.
* **Goshikinuma Ponds**: A lake of many colours, ranging from emerald green to deep blue, formed by the deposition of minerals, offering a fantastic view.
* **Snow Monsters**: A limited winter spectacle, the trees covered in thick snow and ice resemble ‘snow monsters.
* **Lake Towada & Oirase Gorge**: A crater lake with clear water surrounded by streams and waterfalls, and stunning autumn foliage.
* **Lake Toyako Observation Deck**: Overlooking the entire lake, the view of the active volcanoes Mount Arisu and Showa Shinzan is stunning.
- - -
### **🏯 2. 历史文化体验**Historical and Cultural Experience
* **日光东照宫**:世界遗产,供奉德川家康的神社,拥有华丽雕刻与“三猿”浮雕。
* **大内宿**:保存完好的江户时代驿站,仿佛穿越回古代日本。
* **中尊寺**:世界遗产,内部金碧辉煌,藏有大量佛教珍宝。
* **函馆五棱郭**:日本首座西式城堡遗址,春季樱花满开,美不胜收。
* **Nikko Toshogu Shrine**: A World Heritage Site, this shrine is dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu and features magnificent carvings and reliefs of the ‘three apes’.
* **Ouchi-juku**: A well-preserved Edo period post station that is like travelling back in time to ancient Japan.
* **Chuson-ji Konjikido**: A World Heritage Site with a splendid interior and a large collection of Buddhist treasures.
* **Hakodate Goryokaku**: the ruins of Japan's first Western-style castle, beautifully decorated with cherry blossoms in spring.
- - -
### **🚆 3. 特色交通体验**Special transport experiences
* **松岛湾游船**:日本三景之一,海上点缀着260多个小岛,景色绝美。
* **新干线体验**:搭乘E5系子弹列车,从青森疾驰至函馆,最高时速达320km/h。
* **青函海底隧道**:穿越全球最长的海底隧道,连接本州与北海道。
* **Matsushima Bay Cruise**: one of Japan's Three Scenic Spots, the sea is dotted with more than 260 small islands and offers stunning views.
* **Shinkansen Experience**: Ride the E5 bullet train from Aomori to Hakodate at speeds of up to 320km/h.
* **Seikan Tunnel**: Travel through the world's longest undersea tunnel connecting Honshu and Hokkaido.
- - -
### **🎭 4. 四季限定特色**Four Seasons Limited Features
* **春季🌸**:函馆五棱郭 & 北海道神宫樱花满开,粉色浪漫。
* **夏季🌻**:富良野薰衣草花田,五彩缤纷的花海,宛如梦境。
* **秋季🍁**:十和田湖、奥入濑溪流、藏王红叶染尽山谷,美如画卷。
* **冬季❄️**:藏王雪怪、札幌雪祭,体验日本独特冬日景色。
* **Spring** 🌸: Hakodate Goryokaku & Hokkaido Jingu Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom, pink and romantic.
* **Summer** 🌻: Furano lavender fields, a sea of colourful flowers, like a dream.
* **Autumn** 🍁: Lake Towada, Oirase Stream, and Zao Red Leaves colouring the valleys, beautiful as a picture.
* **Winter** 🍁: Experience Japan's unique winter scenery with the Zao Snow Monster and Sapporo Snow Festival.
> **终极推荐理由Ultimate Recommended Reasons**
✔️ 远离传统旅游路线,深入探索东北 & 北海道的自然秘境
✔️ 结合世界遗产、温泉、自然景观,适合四季出行
✔️ 甄选特色住宿,包括海边温泉酒店与高品质城市酒店
✔️ 体验日本最快交通工具新干线与独特的青函海底隧道
✔️ Explore the natural wonders of Tohoku & Hokkaido away from the traditional tourist routes.
✔️ Combining world heritage, hot springs, natural landscapes, it is suitable for travelling in all seasons.
✔️ Selected accommodation including seaside hot spring hotels and high-quality city hotels.
✔️ Experience Japan's fastest railway, the Shinkansen, and the unique Seikan Tunnel.
> **住宿须知**Accommodation Notes:****
* 由于日本酒店房型较小且供应有限,我们将以双人房(两张单人床)为主要安排。
* 大床房可视酒店供应情况尽量协调,但无法保证。
* 为确保舒适度,恕不提供三人房安排,敬请谅解。
* Due to the small size and limited availability of hotel rooms in Japan, we will be arranging standard twin rooms (two single beds).
* Double rooms can be coordinated to the best of our ability subject to hotel availability but cannot be guaranteed.
* Please note that triple rooms are not available to ensure comfort.
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Bangkok (BKK)
Thai Airways International TG 418
Bangkok (BKK) Tokyo (NRT)
Thai Airways International TG 642
Sapporo (CTS) Bangkok (BKK)
Thai Airways International TG 671
Bangkok (BKK) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Thai Airways International TG 417
Price Details
- Adult
- Child twin
- Child with extra bed
- Child with no bed
- Promo
- MYR 15888
- MYR 15888
- MYR 15179
- MYR 14470
- Promo
- MYR 16088
- MYR 16088
- MYR 15369
- MYR 14650
- Promo
- MYR 16288
- MYR 16288
- MYR 15559
- MYR 14830
- Normal
- MYR 16688
- MYR 16688
- MYR 15939
- MYR 15190
> **精心安排****Special Arrangement:**
✓出国必备‼ 让您时刻与家人保持联系 - 1人1张 Travel Sim Card。
✓Essential for traveling abroad!! Keeps you in touch with your family at all times - Travel Sim Card per person per card.
✓Bottle Mineral Water per person per day.
> **行程亮点 Trip Highlights:**
**🌿 1. 壮丽自然景观Magnificent Natural Scenery**
* **华严瀑布**:日本三大名瀑之一,高度达97米,四季皆有不同美景。
* **五色沼**:因矿物质沉淀形成多种颜色的湖泊,从翠绿到深蓝,景色梦幻。
* **藏王雪怪**:冬季限定奇观,由厚厚的冰雪覆盖的树木,形似“雪怪”。
* **十和田湖 & 奥入濑溪流**:火山口湖,湖水清澈,周围溪流与瀑布点缀,秋季红叶更是迷人。
* **洞爷湖展望台(Lake Toyako Observation Deck)**:俯瞰整个湖泊,远眺活火山有珠山与昭和新山,景色震撼。
* **Kegon Waterfalls:** one of the three most famous waterfalls in Japan, reaching a height of 97 metres and offering a variety of views throughout the seasons.
* **Goshikinuma Ponds**: A lake of many colours, ranging from emerald green to deep blue, formed by the deposition of minerals, offering a fantastic view.
* **Snow Monsters**: A limited winter spectacle, the trees covered in thick snow and ice resemble ‘snow monsters.
* **Lake Towada & Oirase Gorge**: A crater lake with clear water surrounded by streams and waterfalls, and stunning autumn foliage.
* **Lake Toyako Observation Deck**: Overlooking the entire lake, the view of the active volcanoes Mount Arisu and Showa Shinzan is stunning.
- - -
### **🏯 2. 历史文化体验**Historical and Cultural Experience
* **日光东照宫**:世界遗产,供奉德川家康的神社,拥有华丽雕刻与“三猿”浮雕。
* **大内宿**:保存完好的江户时代驿站,仿佛穿越回古代日本。
* **中尊寺**:世界遗产,内部金碧辉煌,藏有大量佛教珍宝。
* **函馆五棱郭**:日本首座西式城堡遗址,春季樱花满开,美不胜收。
* **Nikko Toshogu Shrine**: A World Heritage Site, this shrine is dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu and features magnificent carvings and reliefs of the ‘three apes’.
* **Ouchi-juku**: A well-preserved Edo period post station that is like travelling back in time to ancient Japan.
* **Chuson-ji Konjikido**: A World Heritage Site with a splendid interior and a large collection of Buddhist treasures.
* **Hakodate Goryokaku**: the ruins of Japan's first Western-style castle, beautifully decorated with cherry blossoms in spring.
- - -
### **🚆 3. 特色交通体验**Special transport experiences
* **松岛湾游船**:日本三景之一,海上点缀着260多个小岛,景色绝美。
* **新干线体验**:搭乘E5系子弹列车,从青森疾驰至函馆,最高时速达320km/h。
* **青函海底隧道**:穿越全球最长的海底隧道,连接本州与北海道。
* **Matsushima Bay Cruise**: one of Japan's Three Scenic Spots, the sea is dotted with more than 260 small islands and offers stunning views.
* **Shinkansen Experience**: Ride the E5 bullet train from Aomori to Hakodate at speeds of up to 320km/h.
* **Seikan Tunnel**: Travel through the world's longest undersea tunnel connecting Honshu and Hokkaido.
- - -
### **🎭 4. 四季限定特色**Four Seasons Limited Features
* **春季🌸**:函馆五棱郭 & 北海道神宫樱花满开,粉色浪漫。
* **夏季🌻**:富良野薰衣草花田,五彩缤纷的花海,宛如梦境。
* **秋季🍁**:十和田湖、奥入濑溪流、藏王红叶染尽山谷,美如画卷。
* **冬季❄️**:藏王雪怪、札幌雪祭,体验日本独特冬日景色。
* **Spring** 🌸: Hakodate Goryokaku & Hokkaido Jingu Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom, pink and romantic.
* **Summer** 🌻: Furano lavender fields, a sea of colourful flowers, like a dream.
* **Autumn** 🍁: Lake Towada, Oirase Stream, and Zao Red Leaves colouring the valleys, beautiful as a picture.
* **Winter** 🍁: Experience Japan's unique winter scenery with the Zao Snow Monster and Sapporo Snow Festival.
> **终极推荐理由Ultimate Recommended Reasons**
✔️ 远离传统旅游路线,深入探索东北 & 北海道的自然秘境
✔️ 结合世界遗产、温泉、自然景观,适合四季出行
✔️ 甄选特色住宿,包括海边温泉酒店与高品质城市酒店
✔️ 体验日本最快交通工具新干线与独特的青函海底隧道
✔️ Explore the natural wonders of Tohoku & Hokkaido away from the traditional tourist routes.
✔️ Combining world heritage, hot springs, natural landscapes, it is suitable for travelling in all seasons.
✔️ Selected accommodation including seaside hot spring hotels and high-quality city hotels.
✔️ Experience Japan's fastest railway, the Shinkansen, and the unique Seikan Tunnel.
> **住宿须知**Accommodation Notes:****
* 由于日本酒店房型较小且供应有限,我们将以双人房(两张单人床)为主要安排。
* 大床房可视酒店供应情况尽量协调,但无法保证。
* 为确保舒适度,恕不提供三人房安排,敬请谅解。
* Due to the small size and limited availability of hotel rooms in Japan, we will be arranging standard twin rooms (two single beds).
* Double rooms can be coordinated to the best of our ability subject to hotel availability but cannot be guaranteed.
* Please note that triple rooms are not available to ensure comfort.
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Bangkok (BKK)
Thai Airways International TG 418
Bangkok (BKK) Tokyo (NRT)
Thai Airways International TG 642
Sapporo (CTS) Bangkok (BKK)
Thai Airways International TG 671
Bangkok (BKK) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Thai Airways International TG 417
Price Details
- Adult
- Child twin
- Child with extra bed
- Child with no bed
- Promo
- MYR 16188
- MYR 16188
- MYR 15464
- MYR 14740
- Promo
- MYR 16388
- MYR 16388
- MYR 15654
- MYR 14920
- Promo
- MYR 16688
- MYR 16688
- MYR 15939
- MYR 15190
- Normal
- MYR 16988
- MYR 16988
- MYR 16224
- MYR 15460