> **Accommodation Notes:**
* Due to the small size and limited availability of hotel rooms in Japan, we will be arranging standard twin rooms (two single beds).
* Double rooms can be coordinated to the best of our ability subject to hotel availability but cannot be guaranteed.
* Please note that triple rooms are not available to ensure comfort.
> **Itinerary Highlights:**
\- 2 Nights at Natural Hot Spring Hotel worth RM1600\!
\- Enjoy Mount Fuji from various angles\! No matter how you take the picture\, it will always come out great\! Show your friends\!
\- Experience a Japanese man serving you with a rickshaw and visit Asakusa Temple\!
\- Full day tour to Disney Japan or DisneySea\!
\- Shopping at Japan's most popular outlet mall\!
-Walking through Asakusa Temple in a Japanese kimono!
> **Meal Arrangement:**
\- Snow Crab Legs Release Question\! All\-you\-can\-eat\!
\- Sashimi platter \+ Seafood BBQ platter\!
\- Japanese Shabu Shabu / Japanese Yakiniku\, all you can eat meat\!
> **Non-Malaysia passport holders' surcharge RM300/pax (Except Singapore Passport Holder)**
> **住宿须知:**
* 由于日本酒店房型较小且供应有限,我们将以双人房(两张单人床)为主要安排。
* 大床房可视酒店供应情况尽量协调,但无法保证。
* 为确保舒适度,恕不提供三人房安排,敬请谅解。
\- 2晚天然温泉酒店总价值RM1600!
\- 多角度欣赏富士山!无论怎么拍都很出片!闪报朋友圈!
\- 体验日本男士为你服务人力拉车、游览浅草寺!
\- 全天游玩日本迪士尼或迪士尼海洋!
\- 日本最受欢迎的奥特莱斯购物中心,尽情购物!
\- 穿着日式和服穿梭浅草寺!
\- 雪蟹脚放题!吃到饱!
\- 刺身拼盘 \+ 海鲜烧烤拼盘!
\- 日式涮涮锅/日式烤肉,吃肉吃到饱!
> **非马来西亚护照持有者附加费 300 马币/人(新加坡护照持有者除外)**