(马航)Malaysia Airlines MH
**✓ 特别安排 :双程高铁 , 集体航拍 , 体验少数民族服装**
**✓ 行程特点 :****广州北京路步行街,船游漓江**,**阳朔西街**,**阳朔挎斗车** ,**象鼻山景区**,**龙胜布尼花海梯田(含往返缆车),银子岩**,**少数民族古村寨**
**✓ 美食风味 :****阳朔啤酒鱼,椿记烧鹅,芋头鸡风味,高山流水宴,海鲜烤肉自助,乳猪风味**
**✓星级入住 :****桂林天龙湾曼悦酒店或同级**x2 、**阳朔新西街酒店或同级**x2、**桂林喜来登国际或同级**x1
**✓Highlight :****Beijing Road Walking Street**, **Lijiang River boat tour**, **Yangshuo West Street**, **Yangshou Sidecar Ride,****Elephant Trunk Hill Scenic Area**, **Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces (Include Two Way Cable Car)**,**Silver Cave Scenic Area**, **Minority Villages**
**✓ Special Cuisine :****Beer Fish Flovor**,**Chun Kee Roasted Goose** ,**Taro Chicken Feast**, **Mountain Hill Water Feast**,**BBQ Seafood Buffet**, **Roasted Pork Flavor**
**✓ Accommodation:** **Guilin Tianlongwan Manyue Hotel or Similar x2**,**Yangshuo New West Street International Hotel or Similar x2 , Guilin Sheraton International Hotel or Similar x1**
**✓ 景区****Sightseeing**:
•榕杉湖景区 - 位于桂林城中央,是一个水体相连的连心湖。东为杉湖, 西名榕湖, 因湖岸生长的榕树, 杉树而得名。景区内还有九曲桥、位于榕湖北岸的古南门及大榕树。
**•银子岩**- 洞内特色景点,其中最为著名的景观有三宝:佛祖论经、混元珍珠伞、独柱擎天;三绝:雪山飞瀑、音乐石屏、瑶池仙境。大自然的鬼斧神工在这里被展示得淋漓尽致,故被誉为“世界溶洞奇观”。
**•船游漓江**- 体验“世界上最美丽的地方”船行江中, 宛如迎面打开一幅幅奇妙山水画卷, 真正体会到“船在江中走,人在画中游”的绝美漓江仙境。
\*\*•\*\*阳朔西街 - 位于县城中心,全长 517 米,宽 8 米,大理石路面,呈弯曲的 S 形,房屋建筑古色古香,地方特色浓厚。荟翠各种旅游纪念品、小吃于街市。其充满了异国情调的夜景更是风情万种,风俗浓欲,别有一番浪漫情怀。
•龙胜布尼花海梯田 - 是中国广西壮族自治区著名的旅游景点之一,位于龙胜各族自治县境内。这一地区以其壮丽的梯田景观和丰富的少数民族文化闻名。
\*\*•\*\*Rongshanhu Scenic Area - Rongshanhu is located on the west side of Yangqiao , connecting Taohua River to the west and Shanhu Lake to the east . It is named because of the ancient
banyan trees growing on the rocks of the lake.
**•Silver Cave**- Belong to floor type cave, including the next hole, the hall, thethree holes, painted gathered from different years of growth and developmentof various types of stalactite cave.
**•Li River Cruise**\- Dotted with eye\-feasting scenery\, the river is alwayswith its surrounding lush landscape\, fauna and peaks reflecting onthe clear green and mirror\-like water under the blue sky\. A real fairyland on earth\, the Li River is a jewel\.
**•Yangshuo West Street** \- is the oldest and busiest street in Yangshuo\, with a length of about 500 meters and a width of about 8 meters\. Most of the visitors were immersed in the beautiful
scenery and leisurely life here.
•Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces - is a famous tourist destination in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, located in Longsheng Autonomous County. This area is
renowned for its stunning terraced landscapes and rich ethnic minority culture.
Penang (PEN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH1137
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Guangzhou (CAN)
Malaysia Airlines MH376
Guangzhou (CAN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH377
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Penang (PEN)
Malaysia Airlines MH1166
Price Details
- Adult
- Child twin
- Child with extra bed
- Child with no bed
- Promo
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 3868
- Promo
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 3868
- Normal
- MYR 4388
- MYR 4388
- MYR 4388
- MYR 3958
(马航)Malaysia Airlines MH
**✓ 特别安排 :双程高铁 , 集体航拍 , 体验少数民族服装**
**✓ 行程特点 :****广州北京路步行街,船游漓江**,**阳朔西街**,**阳朔挎斗车** ,**象鼻山景区**,**龙胜布尼花海梯田(含往返缆车),银子岩**,**少数民族古村寨**
**✓ 美食风味 :****阳朔啤酒鱼,椿记烧鹅,芋头鸡风味,高山流水宴,海鲜烤肉自助,乳猪风味**
**✓星级入住 :****桂林天龙湾曼悦酒店或同级**x2 、**阳朔新西街酒店或同级**x2、**桂林喜来登国际或同级**x1
**✓Highlight :****Beijing Road Walking Street**, **Lijiang River boat tour**, **Yangshuo West Street**, **Yangshou Sidecar Ride,****Elephant Trunk Hill Scenic Area**, **Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces (Include Two Way Cable Car)**,**Silver Cave Scenic Area**, **Minority Villages**
**✓ Special Cuisine :****Beer Fish Flovor**,**Chun Kee Roasted Goose** ,**Taro Chicken Feast**, **Mountain Hill Water Feast**,**BBQ Seafood Buffet**, **Roasted Pork Flavor**
**✓ Accommodation:** **Guilin Tianlongwan Manyue Hotel or Similar x2**,**Yangshuo New West Street International Hotel or Similar x2 , Guilin Sheraton International Hotel or Similar x1**
**✓ 景区****Sightseeing**:
•榕杉湖景区 - 位于桂林城中央,是一个水体相连的连心湖。东为杉湖, 西名榕湖, 因湖岸生长的榕树, 杉树而得名。景区内还有九曲桥、位于榕湖北岸的古南门及大榕树。
**•银子岩**- 洞内特色景点,其中最为著名的景观有三宝:佛祖论经、混元珍珠伞、独柱擎天;三绝:雪山飞瀑、音乐石屏、瑶池仙境。大自然的鬼斧神工在这里被展示得淋漓尽致,故被誉为“世界溶洞奇观”。
**•船游漓江**- 体验“世界上最美丽的地方”船行江中, 宛如迎面打开一幅幅奇妙山水画卷, 真正体会到“船在江中走,人在画中游”的绝美漓江仙境。
\*\*•\*\*阳朔西街 - 位于县城中心,全长 517 米,宽 8 米,大理石路面,呈弯曲的 S 形,房屋建筑古色古香,地方特色浓厚。荟翠各种旅游纪念品、小吃于街市。其充满了异国情调的夜景更是风情万种,风俗浓欲,别有一番浪漫情怀。
•龙胜布尼花海梯田 - 是中国广西壮族自治区著名的旅游景点之一,位于龙胜各族自治县境内。这一地区以其壮丽的梯田景观和丰富的少数民族文化闻名。
\*\*•\*\*Rongshanhu Scenic Area - Rongshanhu is located on the west side of Yangqiao , connecting Taohua River to the west and Shanhu Lake to the east . It is named because of the ancient
banyan trees growing on the rocks of the lake.
**•Silver Cave**- Belong to floor type cave, including the next hole, the hall, thethree holes, painted gathered from different years of growth and developmentof various types of stalactite cave.
**•Li River Cruise**\- Dotted with eye\-feasting scenery\, the river is alwayswith its surrounding lush landscape\, fauna and peaks reflecting onthe clear green and mirror\-like water under the blue sky\. A real fairyland on earth\, the Li River is a jewel\.
**•Yangshuo West Street** \- is the oldest and busiest street in Yangshuo\, with a length of about 500 meters and a width of about 8 meters\. Most of the visitors were immersed in the beautiful
scenery and leisurely life here.
•Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces - is a famous tourist destination in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, located in Longsheng Autonomous County. This area is
renowned for its stunning terraced landscapes and rich ethnic minority culture.
Penang (PEN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH1137
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Guangzhou (CAN)
Malaysia Airlines MH376
Guangzhou (CAN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH377
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Penang (PEN)
Malaysia Airlines MH1166
Price Details
- Adult
- Child twin
- Child with extra bed
- Child with no bed
- Promo
- MYR 4088
- MYR 4088
- MYR 4088
- MYR 3688
- Promo
- MYR 4188
- MYR 4188
- MYR 4188
- MYR 3778
- Normal
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 3868
(马航)Malaysia Airlines MH
**✓ 特别安排 :双程高铁 , 集体航拍 , 体验少数民族服装**
**✓ 行程特点 :****广州北京路步行街,船游漓江**,**阳朔西街**,**阳朔挎斗车** ,**象鼻山景区**,**龙胜布尼花海梯田(含往返缆车),银子岩**,**少数民族古村寨**
**✓ 美食风味 :****阳朔啤酒鱼,椿记烧鹅,芋头鸡风味,高山流水宴,海鲜烤肉自助,乳猪风味**
**✓星级入住 :****桂林天龙湾曼悦酒店或同级**x2 、**阳朔新西街酒店或同级**x2、**桂林喜来登国际或同级**x1
**✓Highlight :****Beijing Road Walking Street**, **Lijiang River boat tour**, **Yangshuo West Street**, **Yangshou Sidecar Ride,****Elephant Trunk Hill Scenic Area**, **Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces (Include Two Way Cable Car)**,**Silver Cave Scenic Area**, **Minority Villages**
**✓ Special Cuisine :****Beer Fish Flovor**,**Chun Kee Roasted Goose** ,**Taro Chicken Feast**, **Mountain Hill Water Feast**,**BBQ Seafood Buffet**, **Roasted Pork Flavor**
**✓ Accommodation:** **Guilin Tianlongwan Manyue Hotel or Similar x2**,**Yangshuo New West Street International Hotel or Similar x2 , Guilin Sheraton International Hotel or Similar x1**
**✓ 景区****Sightseeing**:
•榕杉湖景区 - 位于桂林城中央,是一个水体相连的连心湖。东为杉湖, 西名榕湖, 因湖岸生长的榕树, 杉树而得名。景区内还有九曲桥、位于榕湖北岸的古南门及大榕树。
**•银子岩**- 洞内特色景点,其中最为著名的景观有三宝:佛祖论经、混元珍珠伞、独柱擎天;三绝:雪山飞瀑、音乐石屏、瑶池仙境。大自然的鬼斧神工在这里被展示得淋漓尽致,故被誉为“世界溶洞奇观”。
**•船游漓江**- 体验“世界上最美丽的地方”船行江中, 宛如迎面打开一幅幅奇妙山水画卷, 真正体会到“船在江中走,人在画中游”的绝美漓江仙境。
\*\*•\*\*阳朔西街 - 位于县城中心,全长 517 米,宽 8 米,大理石路面,呈弯曲的 S 形,房屋建筑古色古香,地方特色浓厚。荟翠各种旅游纪念品、小吃于街市。其充满了异国情调的夜景更是风情万种,风俗浓欲,别有一番浪漫情怀。
•龙胜布尼花海梯田 - 是中国广西壮族自治区著名的旅游景点之一,位于龙胜各族自治县境内。这一地区以其壮丽的梯田景观和丰富的少数民族文化闻名。
\*\*•\*\*Rongshanhu Scenic Area - Rongshanhu is located on the west side of Yangqiao , connecting Taohua River to the west and Shanhu Lake to the east . It is named because of the ancient
banyan trees growing on the rocks of the lake.
**•Silver Cave**- Belong to floor type cave, including the next hole, the hall, thethree holes, painted gathered from different years of growth and developmentof various types of stalactite cave.
**•Li River Cruise**\- Dotted with eye\-feasting scenery\, the river is alwayswith its surrounding lush landscape\, fauna and peaks reflecting onthe clear green and mirror\-like water under the blue sky\. A real fairyland on earth\, the Li River is a jewel\.
**•Yangshuo West Street** \- is the oldest and busiest street in Yangshuo\, with a length of about 500 meters and a width of about 8 meters\. Most of the visitors were immersed in the beautiful
scenery and leisurely life here.
•Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces - is a famous tourist destination in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, located in Longsheng Autonomous County. This area is
renowned for its stunning terraced landscapes and rich ethnic minority culture.
Penang (PEN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH1137
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Guangzhou (CAN)
Malaysia Airlines MH376
Guangzhou (CAN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH377
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Penang (PEN)
Malaysia Airlines MH1166
Price Details
- Adult
- Child twin
- Child with extra bed
- Child with no bed
- Promo
- MYR 4388
- MYR 4388
- MYR 4388
- MYR 3958
- Promo
- MYR 4488
- MYR 4488
- MYR 4488
- MYR 4048
- Normal
- MYR 4588
- MYR 4588
- MYR 4588
- MYR 4138
(马航)Malaysia Airlines MH
**✓ 特别安排 :双程高铁 , 集体航拍 , 体验少数民族服装**
**✓ 行程特点 :****广州北京路步行街,船游漓江**,**阳朔西街**,**阳朔挎斗车** ,**象鼻山景区**,**龙胜布尼花海梯田(含往返缆车),银子岩**,**少数民族古村寨**
**✓ 美食风味 :****阳朔啤酒鱼,椿记烧鹅,芋头鸡风味,高山流水宴,海鲜烤肉自助,乳猪风味**
**✓星级入住 :****桂林天龙湾曼悦酒店或同级**x2 、**阳朔新西街酒店或同级**x2、**桂林喜来登国际或同级**x1
**✓Highlight :****Beijing Road Walking Street**, **Lijiang River boat tour**, **Yangshuo West Street**, **Yangshou Sidecar Ride,****Elephant Trunk Hill Scenic Area**, **Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces (Include Two Way Cable Car)**,**Silver Cave Scenic Area**, **Minority Villages**
**✓ Special Cuisine :****Beer Fish Flovor**,**Chun Kee Roasted Goose** ,**Taro Chicken Feast**, **Mountain Hill Water Feast**,**BBQ Seafood Buffet**, **Roasted Pork Flavor**
**✓ Accommodation:** **Guilin Tianlongwan Manyue Hotel or Similar x2**,**Yangshuo New West Street International Hotel or Similar x2 , Guilin Sheraton International Hotel or Similar x1**
**✓ 景区****Sightseeing**:
•榕杉湖景区 - 位于桂林城中央,是一个水体相连的连心湖。东为杉湖, 西名榕湖, 因湖岸生长的榕树, 杉树而得名。景区内还有九曲桥、位于榕湖北岸的古南门及大榕树。
**•银子岩**- 洞内特色景点,其中最为著名的景观有三宝:佛祖论经、混元珍珠伞、独柱擎天;三绝:雪山飞瀑、音乐石屏、瑶池仙境。大自然的鬼斧神工在这里被展示得淋漓尽致,故被誉为“世界溶洞奇观”。
**•船游漓江**- 体验“世界上最美丽的地方”船行江中, 宛如迎面打开一幅幅奇妙山水画卷, 真正体会到“船在江中走,人在画中游”的绝美漓江仙境。
\*\*•\*\*阳朔西街 - 位于县城中心,全长 517 米,宽 8 米,大理石路面,呈弯曲的 S 形,房屋建筑古色古香,地方特色浓厚。荟翠各种旅游纪念品、小吃于街市。其充满了异国情调的夜景更是风情万种,风俗浓欲,别有一番浪漫情怀。
•龙胜布尼花海梯田 - 是中国广西壮族自治区著名的旅游景点之一,位于龙胜各族自治县境内。这一地区以其壮丽的梯田景观和丰富的少数民族文化闻名。
\*\*•\*\*Rongshanhu Scenic Area - Rongshanhu is located on the west side of Yangqiao , connecting Taohua River to the west and Shanhu Lake to the east . It is named because of the ancient
banyan trees growing on the rocks of the lake.
**•Silver Cave**- Belong to floor type cave, including the next hole, the hall, thethree holes, painted gathered from different years of growth and developmentof various types of stalactite cave.
**•Li River Cruise**\- Dotted with eye\-feasting scenery\, the river is alwayswith its surrounding lush landscape\, fauna and peaks reflecting onthe clear green and mirror\-like water under the blue sky\. A real fairyland on earth\, the Li River is a jewel\.
**•Yangshuo West Street** \- is the oldest and busiest street in Yangshuo\, with a length of about 500 meters and a width of about 8 meters\. Most of the visitors were immersed in the beautiful
scenery and leisurely life here.
•Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces - is a famous tourist destination in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, located in Longsheng Autonomous County. This area is
renowned for its stunning terraced landscapes and rich ethnic minority culture.
Penang (PEN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH1137
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Guangzhou (CAN)
Malaysia Airlines MH376
Guangzhou (CAN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH377
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Penang (PEN)
Malaysia Airlines MH1166
Price Details
- Adult
- Child twin
- Child with extra bed
- Child with no bed
- Promo
- MYR 4088
- MYR 4088
- MYR 4088
- MYR 3688
- Promo
- MYR 4188
- MYR 4188
- MYR 4188
- MYR 3778
- Normal
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 3868
(马航)Malaysia Airlines MH
**✓ 特别安排 :双程高铁 , 集体航拍 , 体验少数民族服装**
**✓ 行程特点 :****广州北京路步行街,船游漓江**,**阳朔西街**,**阳朔挎斗车** ,**象鼻山景区**,**龙胜布尼花海梯田(含往返缆车),银子岩**,**少数民族古村寨**
**✓ 美食风味 :****阳朔啤酒鱼,椿记烧鹅,芋头鸡风味,高山流水宴,海鲜烤肉自助,乳猪风味**
**✓星级入住 :****桂林天龙湾曼悦酒店或同级**x2 、**阳朔新西街酒店或同级**x2、**桂林喜来登国际或同级**x1
**✓Highlight :****Beijing Road Walking Street**, **Lijiang River boat tour**, **Yangshuo West Street**, **Yangshou Sidecar Ride,****Elephant Trunk Hill Scenic Area**, **Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces (Include Two Way Cable Car)**,**Silver Cave Scenic Area**, **Minority Villages**
**✓ Special Cuisine :****Beer Fish Flovor**,**Chun Kee Roasted Goose** ,**Taro Chicken Feast**, **Mountain Hill Water Feast**,**BBQ Seafood Buffet**, **Roasted Pork Flavor**
**✓ Accommodation:** **Guilin Tianlongwan Manyue Hotel or Similar x2**,**Yangshuo New West Street International Hotel or Similar x2 , Guilin Sheraton International Hotel or Similar x1**
**✓ 景区****Sightseeing**:
•榕杉湖景区 - 位于桂林城中央,是一个水体相连的连心湖。东为杉湖, 西名榕湖, 因湖岸生长的榕树, 杉树而得名。景区内还有九曲桥、位于榕湖北岸的古南门及大榕树。
**•银子岩**- 洞内特色景点,其中最为著名的景观有三宝:佛祖论经、混元珍珠伞、独柱擎天;三绝:雪山飞瀑、音乐石屏、瑶池仙境。大自然的鬼斧神工在这里被展示得淋漓尽致,故被誉为“世界溶洞奇观”。
**•船游漓江**- 体验“世界上最美丽的地方”船行江中, 宛如迎面打开一幅幅奇妙山水画卷, 真正体会到“船在江中走,人在画中游”的绝美漓江仙境。
\*\*•\*\*阳朔西街 - 位于县城中心,全长 517 米,宽 8 米,大理石路面,呈弯曲的 S 形,房屋建筑古色古香,地方特色浓厚。荟翠各种旅游纪念品、小吃于街市。其充满了异国情调的夜景更是风情万种,风俗浓欲,别有一番浪漫情怀。
•龙胜布尼花海梯田 - 是中国广西壮族自治区著名的旅游景点之一,位于龙胜各族自治县境内。这一地区以其壮丽的梯田景观和丰富的少数民族文化闻名。
\*\*•\*\*Rongshanhu Scenic Area - Rongshanhu is located on the west side of Yangqiao , connecting Taohua River to the west and Shanhu Lake to the east . It is named because of the ancient
banyan trees growing on the rocks of the lake.
**•Silver Cave**- Belong to floor type cave, including the next hole, the hall, thethree holes, painted gathered from different years of growth and developmentof various types of stalactite cave.
**•Li River Cruise**\- Dotted with eye\-feasting scenery\, the river is alwayswith its surrounding lush landscape\, fauna and peaks reflecting onthe clear green and mirror\-like water under the blue sky\. A real fairyland on earth\, the Li River is a jewel\.
**•Yangshuo West Street** \- is the oldest and busiest street in Yangshuo\, with a length of about 500 meters and a width of about 8 meters\. Most of the visitors were immersed in the beautiful
scenery and leisurely life here.
•Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces - is a famous tourist destination in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, located in Longsheng Autonomous County. This area is
renowned for its stunning terraced landscapes and rich ethnic minority culture.
Penang (PEN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH1137
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Guangzhou (CAN)
Malaysia Airlines MH376
Guangzhou (CAN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH377
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Penang (PEN)
Malaysia Airlines MH1166
Price Details
- Adult
- Child twin
- Child with extra bed
- Child with no bed
- Promo
- MYR 4088
- MYR 4088
- MYR 4088
- MYR 3688
- Promo
- MYR 4188
- MYR 4188
- MYR 4188
- MYR 3778
- Normal
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 3868
(马航)Malaysia Airlines MH
**✓ 特别安排 :双程高铁 , 集体航拍 , 体验少数民族服装**
**✓ 行程特点 :****广州北京路步行街,船游漓江**,**阳朔西街**,**阳朔挎斗车** ,**象鼻山景区**,**龙胜布尼花海梯田(含往返缆车),银子岩**,**少数民族古村寨**
**✓ 美食风味 :****阳朔啤酒鱼,椿记烧鹅,芋头鸡风味,高山流水宴,海鲜烤肉自助,乳猪风味**
**✓星级入住 :****桂林天龙湾曼悦酒店或同级**x2 、**阳朔新西街酒店或同级**x2、**桂林喜来登国际或同级**x1
**✓Highlight :****Beijing Road Walking Street**, **Lijiang River boat tour**, **Yangshuo West Street**, **Yangshou Sidecar Ride,****Elephant Trunk Hill Scenic Area**, **Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces (Include Two Way Cable Car)**,**Silver Cave Scenic Area**, **Minority Villages**
**✓ Special Cuisine :****Beer Fish Flovor**,**Chun Kee Roasted Goose** ,**Taro Chicken Feast**, **Mountain Hill Water Feast**,**BBQ Seafood Buffet**, **Roasted Pork Flavor**
**✓ Accommodation:** **Guilin Tianlongwan Manyue Hotel or Similar x2**,**Yangshuo New West Street International Hotel or Similar x2 , Guilin Sheraton International Hotel or Similar x1**
**✓ 景区****Sightseeing**:
•榕杉湖景区 - 位于桂林城中央,是一个水体相连的连心湖。东为杉湖, 西名榕湖, 因湖岸生长的榕树, 杉树而得名。景区内还有九曲桥、位于榕湖北岸的古南门及大榕树。
**•银子岩**- 洞内特色景点,其中最为著名的景观有三宝:佛祖论经、混元珍珠伞、独柱擎天;三绝:雪山飞瀑、音乐石屏、瑶池仙境。大自然的鬼斧神工在这里被展示得淋漓尽致,故被誉为“世界溶洞奇观”。
**•船游漓江**- 体验“世界上最美丽的地方”船行江中, 宛如迎面打开一幅幅奇妙山水画卷, 真正体会到“船在江中走,人在画中游”的绝美漓江仙境。
\*\*•\*\*阳朔西街 - 位于县城中心,全长 517 米,宽 8 米,大理石路面,呈弯曲的 S 形,房屋建筑古色古香,地方特色浓厚。荟翠各种旅游纪念品、小吃于街市。其充满了异国情调的夜景更是风情万种,风俗浓欲,别有一番浪漫情怀。
•龙胜布尼花海梯田 - 是中国广西壮族自治区著名的旅游景点之一,位于龙胜各族自治县境内。这一地区以其壮丽的梯田景观和丰富的少数民族文化闻名。
\*\*•\*\*Rongshanhu Scenic Area - Rongshanhu is located on the west side of Yangqiao , connecting Taohua River to the west and Shanhu Lake to the east . It is named because of the ancient
banyan trees growing on the rocks of the lake.
**•Silver Cave**- Belong to floor type cave, including the next hole, the hall, thethree holes, painted gathered from different years of growth and developmentof various types of stalactite cave.
**•Li River Cruise**\- Dotted with eye\-feasting scenery\, the river is alwayswith its surrounding lush landscape\, fauna and peaks reflecting onthe clear green and mirror\-like water under the blue sky\. A real fairyland on earth\, the Li River is a jewel\.
**•Yangshuo West Street** \- is the oldest and busiest street in Yangshuo\, with a length of about 500 meters and a width of about 8 meters\. Most of the visitors were immersed in the beautiful
scenery and leisurely life here.
•Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces - is a famous tourist destination in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, located in Longsheng Autonomous County. This area is
renowned for its stunning terraced landscapes and rich ethnic minority culture.
Penang (PEN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH1137
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Guangzhou (CAN)
Malaysia Airlines MH376
Guangzhou (CAN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH377
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Penang (PEN)
Malaysia Airlines MH1166
Price Details
- Adult
- Child twin
- Child with extra bed
- Child with no bed
- Promo
- MYR 4088
- MYR 4088
- MYR 4088
- MYR 3688
- Promo
- MYR 4188
- MYR 4188
- MYR 4188
- MYR 3778
- Normal
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 3868
(马航)Malaysia Airlines MH
**✓ 特别安排 :双程高铁 , 集体航拍 , 体验少数民族服装**
**✓ 行程特点 :****广州北京路步行街,船游漓江**,**阳朔西街**,**阳朔挎斗车** ,**象鼻山景区**,**龙胜布尼花海梯田(含往返缆车),银子岩**,**少数民族古村寨**
**✓ 美食风味 :****阳朔啤酒鱼,椿记烧鹅,芋头鸡风味,高山流水宴,海鲜烤肉自助,乳猪风味**
**✓星级入住 :****桂林天龙湾曼悦酒店或同级**x2 、**阳朔新西街酒店或同级**x2、**桂林喜来登国际或同级**x1
**✓Highlight :****Beijing Road Walking Street**, **Lijiang River boat tour**, **Yangshuo West Street**, **Yangshou Sidecar Ride,****Elephant Trunk Hill Scenic Area**, **Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces (Include Two Way Cable Car)**,**Silver Cave Scenic Area**, **Minority Villages**
**✓ Special Cuisine :****Beer Fish Flovor**,**Chun Kee Roasted Goose** ,**Taro Chicken Feast**, **Mountain Hill Water Feast**,**BBQ Seafood Buffet**, **Roasted Pork Flavor**
**✓ Accommodation:** **Guilin Tianlongwan Manyue Hotel or Similar x2**,**Yangshuo New West Street International Hotel or Similar x2 , Guilin Sheraton International Hotel or Similar x1**
**✓ 景区****Sightseeing**:
•榕杉湖景区 - 位于桂林城中央,是一个水体相连的连心湖。东为杉湖, 西名榕湖, 因湖岸生长的榕树, 杉树而得名。景区内还有九曲桥、位于榕湖北岸的古南门及大榕树。
**•银子岩**- 洞内特色景点,其中最为著名的景观有三宝:佛祖论经、混元珍珠伞、独柱擎天;三绝:雪山飞瀑、音乐石屏、瑶池仙境。大自然的鬼斧神工在这里被展示得淋漓尽致,故被誉为“世界溶洞奇观”。
**•船游漓江**- 体验“世界上最美丽的地方”船行江中, 宛如迎面打开一幅幅奇妙山水画卷, 真正体会到“船在江中走,人在画中游”的绝美漓江仙境。
\*\*•\*\*阳朔西街 - 位于县城中心,全长 517 米,宽 8 米,大理石路面,呈弯曲的 S 形,房屋建筑古色古香,地方特色浓厚。荟翠各种旅游纪念品、小吃于街市。其充满了异国情调的夜景更是风情万种,风俗浓欲,别有一番浪漫情怀。
•龙胜布尼花海梯田 - 是中国广西壮族自治区著名的旅游景点之一,位于龙胜各族自治县境内。这一地区以其壮丽的梯田景观和丰富的少数民族文化闻名。
\*\*•\*\*Rongshanhu Scenic Area - Rongshanhu is located on the west side of Yangqiao , connecting Taohua River to the west and Shanhu Lake to the east . It is named because of the ancient
banyan trees growing on the rocks of the lake.
**•Silver Cave**- Belong to floor type cave, including the next hole, the hall, thethree holes, painted gathered from different years of growth and developmentof various types of stalactite cave.
**•Li River Cruise**\- Dotted with eye\-feasting scenery\, the river is alwayswith its surrounding lush landscape\, fauna and peaks reflecting onthe clear green and mirror\-like water under the blue sky\. A real fairyland on earth\, the Li River is a jewel\.
**•Yangshuo West Street** \- is the oldest and busiest street in Yangshuo\, with a length of about 500 meters and a width of about 8 meters\. Most of the visitors were immersed in the beautiful
scenery and leisurely life here.
•Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces - is a famous tourist destination in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, located in Longsheng Autonomous County. This area is
renowned for its stunning terraced landscapes and rich ethnic minority culture.
Penang (PEN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH1137
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Guangzhou (CAN)
Malaysia Airlines MH376
Guangzhou (CAN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH377
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Penang (PEN)
Malaysia Airlines MH1166
Price Details
- Adult
- Child twin
- Child with extra bed
- Child with no bed
- Promo
- MYR 4088
- MYR 4088
- MYR 4088
- MYR 3688
- Promo
- MYR 4188
- MYR 4188
- MYR 4188
- MYR 3778
- Normal
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 3868
(马航)Malaysia Airlines MH
**✓ 特别安排 :双程高铁 , 集体航拍 , 体验少数民族服装**
**✓ 行程特点 :****广州北京路步行街,船游漓江**,**阳朔西街**,**阳朔挎斗车** ,**象鼻山景区**,**龙胜布尼花海梯田(含往返缆车),银子岩**,**少数民族古村寨**
**✓ 美食风味 :****阳朔啤酒鱼,椿记烧鹅,芋头鸡风味,高山流水宴,海鲜烤肉自助,乳猪风味**
**✓星级入住 :****桂林天龙湾曼悦酒店或同级**x2 、**阳朔新西街酒店或同级**x2、**桂林喜来登国际或同级**x1
**✓Highlight :****Beijing Road Walking Street**, **Lijiang River boat tour**, **Yangshuo West Street**, **Yangshou Sidecar Ride,****Elephant Trunk Hill Scenic Area**, **Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces (Include Two Way Cable Car)**,**Silver Cave Scenic Area**, **Minority Villages**
**✓ Special Cuisine :****Beer Fish Flovor**,**Chun Kee Roasted Goose** ,**Taro Chicken Feast**, **Mountain Hill Water Feast**,**BBQ Seafood Buffet**, **Roasted Pork Flavor**
**✓ Accommodation:** **Guilin Tianlongwan Manyue Hotel or Similar x2**,**Yangshuo New West Street International Hotel or Similar x2 , Guilin Sheraton International Hotel or Similar x1**
**✓ 景区****Sightseeing**:
•榕杉湖景区 - 位于桂林城中央,是一个水体相连的连心湖。东为杉湖, 西名榕湖, 因湖岸生长的榕树, 杉树而得名。景区内还有九曲桥、位于榕湖北岸的古南门及大榕树。
**•银子岩**- 洞内特色景点,其中最为著名的景观有三宝:佛祖论经、混元珍珠伞、独柱擎天;三绝:雪山飞瀑、音乐石屏、瑶池仙境。大自然的鬼斧神工在这里被展示得淋漓尽致,故被誉为“世界溶洞奇观”。
**•船游漓江**- 体验“世界上最美丽的地方”船行江中, 宛如迎面打开一幅幅奇妙山水画卷, 真正体会到“船在江中走,人在画中游”的绝美漓江仙境。
\*\*•\*\*阳朔西街 - 位于县城中心,全长 517 米,宽 8 米,大理石路面,呈弯曲的 S 形,房屋建筑古色古香,地方特色浓厚。荟翠各种旅游纪念品、小吃于街市。其充满了异国情调的夜景更是风情万种,风俗浓欲,别有一番浪漫情怀。
•龙胜布尼花海梯田 - 是中国广西壮族自治区著名的旅游景点之一,位于龙胜各族自治县境内。这一地区以其壮丽的梯田景观和丰富的少数民族文化闻名。
\*\*•\*\*Rongshanhu Scenic Area - Rongshanhu is located on the west side of Yangqiao , connecting Taohua River to the west and Shanhu Lake to the east . It is named because of the ancient
banyan trees growing on the rocks of the lake.
**•Silver Cave**- Belong to floor type cave, including the next hole, the hall, thethree holes, painted gathered from different years of growth and developmentof various types of stalactite cave.
**•Li River Cruise**\- Dotted with eye\-feasting scenery\, the river is alwayswith its surrounding lush landscape\, fauna and peaks reflecting onthe clear green and mirror\-like water under the blue sky\. A real fairyland on earth\, the Li River is a jewel\.
**•Yangshuo West Street** \- is the oldest and busiest street in Yangshuo\, with a length of about 500 meters and a width of about 8 meters\. Most of the visitors were immersed in the beautiful
scenery and leisurely life here.
•Longsheng Buni Flower Sea Terraces - is a famous tourist destination in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, located in Longsheng Autonomous County. This area is
renowned for its stunning terraced landscapes and rich ethnic minority culture.
Penang (PEN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH1137
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Guangzhou (CAN)
Malaysia Airlines MH376
Guangzhou (CAN) Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Malaysia Airlines MH377
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Penang (PEN)
Malaysia Airlines MH1166
Price Details
- Adult
- Child twin
- Child with extra bed
- Child with no bed
- Promo
- MYR 4088
- MYR 4088
- MYR 4088
- MYR 3688
- Promo
- MYR 4188
- MYR 4188
- MYR 4188
- MYR 3778
- Normal
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 4288
- MYR 3868