MOU Signing Ceremony with Singapore Tourism Board


Singapore Tourism Board partners with GD World Cruises to curate and promote cruising holidays with a stay in Singapore  

Kuala Lumpur, 5th September 2024 – The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) and GD World Cruises, a brand under ICE Holidays, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) this afternoon. This partnership will offer more convenient and diverse travel options for visitors from Malaysia through GD World Cruises' exclusive packages and selected cruise routes. 

The MoU signing kickstarts the partnership between STB and GD World Cruises, promising to offer consumers attractive and competitive prices, with a joint intent to curate the perfect Fly-Cruise-Stay experience. 

"We are pleased to partner ICE Holidays to profile how Singapore, with its convenience and world-class range of family activities, is the ideal destination to meet the holiday needs of Malaysian families. Singapore offers great value for both time and money, as families from Malaysia can maximise their precious moments together with peace of mind. We encourage all travellers to take advantage of the attractive promotions to plan their next cruise holiday and getaway to Singapore," said Mr Terrence Voon, STB’s Executive Director of Southeast Asia. 

ICE Holidays Managing Director, Mr. Mita Lim, also shared his excitement about the partnership, saying, "This collaboration marks a significant milestone for us at ICE Holidays. By joining forces with STB and GD World Cruises, we can now offer our customers a truly unique and unforgettable travel experience. The Fly-Cruise-Stay packages perfectly cater to the needs of multigenerational families, providing them with the convenience, comfort, and rich experiences that modern travellers seek. We look forward to bringing these exclusive offerings to the Malaysian market." 

STB and GD World Cruises have launched a series of new travel products, including selected cruise itineraries departing from Singapore, seamless Fly-Cruise-Stay packages, and customized cruise experiences. This collaboration aims to cater to key audience segments such as Malaysian families, especially multigenerational families who seek to travel, bond and enjoy their holidays together. By combining flights, cruises, and Singapore's rich variety of land experiences, the goal is to create a unique vacation for all families. 

#新加坡旅游局 与 #GD世界游轮 联手策划打造家庭旅游市场的飞行-邮轮-住宿完美体验 (Fly-Cruise-Stay) 

(吉隆坡5日讯) 新加坡旅游局(STB)与ICE Holidays旗下品牌GD世界游轮(GD World Cruises)于今日下午在GD Lounge举行了隆重的合作备忘录(MOU)签约仪式。此次合作,将通过GD World Cruises的独家商品和精选的游轮航线,为来自马来西亚的游客带来更便捷且多样化的出行选择。 

在此次签约仪式之后,象征着STB与GD World Cruises将正式展开合作,并承诺以最具吸引力的优惠价格提供给广大的消费者。 

STB 与GD World Cruises联手推出了一系列全新的旅游产品,包括从新加坡出发的特选邮轮行程、飞行-邮轮-住宿的无缝衔接配套,以及量身定制的邮轮体验。此次合作旨在满足马来西亚家庭旅客,尤其是跨代旅行家庭对亲密互动与亲子关系的渴望,通过将飞行、邮轮与新加坡丰富多彩的陆地住宿相结合,为家庭旅客打造独一无二的度假体验。 



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