Spectrum of the Seas
The next in the award-winning Quantum Class lineup, Spectrum of the Seas® is a Far East adventure full of feats and firsts designed with our Chinese guests in mind. Feel your adrenaline levels rise in the Sky Pad®, a bungee trampoline experience that adds virtual reality to the mix. Watch as robots craft a custom juice creation for you at the Bionic Bar. Spectrum of the Seas® returns to deliver unforgettable immersive journeys to China and Japan. With departures from Shanghai and Hong Kong, this thrill-filled Quantum Class favorite unlocks epic 4-7 night itineraries to iconic ports like cosmopolitan Nagasaki & laid-back Fukuoka.
皇家加勒比航线将会延续船公司一贯以最安全及高规范的准则带来无与伦比的海上假期。穿梭海、陆、空玩乐极限,体验非凡住宿,歎尽环球滋味,玩尽新世代的高科技娱乐设施,享受一流旅客礼遇,都在皇家加勒比最先进的“智能”游轮上。海洋光谱号 提供的海上假期完美结合豪华,舒适和先进技术等元素,为热爱冒险的大人和小朋友提供丰富的船上活动及刺激体验。海洋光谱号® 重返航线,带来难忘的沉浸式旅程,前往中国和日本。从上海和香港出发,这艘充满刺激的量子级游轮将开启精彩的6 天5晚航程,探索充满活力的长崎和悠闲的福冈等标志性港口。
YOUR VACATION IS WAITING!Explore Rest of the World with Royal Caribbean Cruises!
Ready to start planning your cruise? Our new interactive brochure will make it easy to view all of our cruises to the Caribbean, Alaska or Europe. Featuring videos and ship details, this is your first stop to start choosing where to explore next. Found a favorite? Sharing with family and friends is easy, so you can get ready to sail!